Sunday, March 9, 2008

Construction underway!

Gemma and I headed out to Charles Ro yesterday to see if there was a structure or two I could get started with. 

I had called ahead and spoke to a very friendly guy, and he actually sought me out at the store when he recognized my voice! Unfortunately, though, he didn't turn out to be that knowledgeable. But at this point, I'll take friendly over expertly any day.

So after a bit of browsing in the HO structures section, I decided on a Walthers plastic kit - Aunt Lucy's House. It's a cute little Victorian, just the sort that you see outside towns in Vermont, or right down the road here in Arlington. It was actually the only structure I saw that fit the bill, so I was glad we found it! 

I also got some glue (Testors - it seems that the liquid glue I'd used on my Z-Scale stuff can melt the facade off if you're not careful! no wonder I had so many mishaps at 220-1...), an X-acto knife, and a couple starter books.

One of the books has good instructions about weathering a plastic structure, so I'll need to find the paints to do that before I start building. I also want to add some skylights to the roof, and maybe some solar panels as well.

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